Friday 4 September 2015

Advantage of Studying Group

Student need to manage their workload such as assignment, presentation and examination. So, study technique are important for them. There are many things that students can do as a study technique such as prepare a timetable, doinh some research at library or the best way is doing study group. There are many advantages of joining a study group.

Firstly, share opinion or knowledge with other, Different person have different opinion. This way, we can get many ideas about some topic. All member need to give their ideas complete the discussion. We have to develop the sharing is caring quote in our life. In this way, we also can discuss how built the whole body of topic. Study in group make better and easy for hard topic

In addition, it also can help each other wo weak in studying. Not everyone is born with great intelligent. There are some  that slowing to understand certain topic. So with some help from friends, it can gain interest to the other to study by sharing our  notes or guide them if  they do not understand. But for weak student, we cannot fully depends -on your study group member. We must  find our  ownn study m
ethod to get alongwith other student,

Moreover, study group also can improve communication skill with other. It can happen when you have to explain certain topic that other member of study group don't understand. This also can improve your ability to talk in public. Joining study group and work with them actively will directly help you builld both skill. College or university life required student to be an active person both inside and outside class. Thus, do not under estimate joining study group

In conclusion, by joining study group you will get many benefit than studying alone. However we have to choose the best  method  for ourselves and keep moving forward whether they choose to study alone or grouping because both have it own advantage and disadvantage.